Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Boys are training-wheel-less!!!

On Memorial Day JD really wanted to try riding his bike with no training wheels so J took them off and helped him go!! When JJ saw how much fun it was, he wanted his off too!! So both the boys are riding two-wheelers!! The first day or two they were a little shaky but now they are experts, even a little too comfortable- we don't think it will be long before JJ's doing all kinds of crazy tricks on his bike, he has no fear!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Swingset!!!

The finished project!!!
J did all the hard labor while I read the instructions and handed him stuff-we're a pretty good team!!
Here's the before pic of the yard needing some kid-friendly stuff!!!

We have a nice big yard to run around in but besides the garden and the fire pit (which are both places we don't want the kids to play) it's pretty bare!! We decided we needed something for the kids to do and since the two neighbors have a trampoline we decided to get a swing set. We put it up a few weeks back on a nice Saturday and since then the weather has been horrible. The kids love it so much they don't care and they've totally loved having it so far!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Peter Rabbit Program

Sis' class did a Peter Rabbit program right before school got out. She was Reader #1 and did a great job memorizing her part!! We went as a family to go and watch and we had a great time!! p.s. sorry the video is sideways, I couldn't figure out how to rotate it!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Matching Boys

I don't often try to make my boys match w/their clothes, but every now and then, I think it's cute. Papa & Grammie got these matching sweaters for the boys for a screaming good deal while they were here. Last Sunday it was overcast so we decided to put the boys in their sweaters. JD was being crazy and came out first w/everything backwards and inside out before we finally got them all put together and looking handsome!!!