My boys in their Sunday best!!
JD is getting so big, he's so kind and patient. He's always a problem solver and doesn't like to see anyone upset.
JJ has changed quite a bit also, he is still stubborn and a little defiant at times but he is also growing up and getting so smart. He likes to cuddle-which he never used to be able to slow down for-and he plays very well with his brother and sister!
My crazy boys!!!
Easter weekend was also General Conference weekend, we love general conf and look forward to creating new family traditions with it every year! It's so inspiring and uplifting, it reminds me what I am here for and that I really can make it through, even when I'm right in the middle of a messy house, dirty-back-talking kids, eating mac & chz cause I don't want to cook and payday isn't for 2 more days, etc. etc. etc!!! Anyways-we love it!! J is a convert to the church so he didn't grow up with general conf and has gone to the priesthood sessions mostly by himself ever since he was a member. Even though you're not technically supposed to go until you're a little older J and JD have had great experiences going together the past few years. This year JJ is 3 and he decided he wanted to go also- we all know JJ -Little Mr. can't sit still and be quiet for more than 2 minutes together. I told J, this is supposed to be a relaxed and good experiecnce for him so he should prob just leave JJ home with me (mean Mom, I know, but so true!!) After going back and forth over and over again JJ promised he would be good and sit still for two whole hours so J took both the boys. When they came home I was anxious to find out how it went and J said, on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the best, he gave the boys a 7. How great!! Now it can be an all boys tradition to go to priesthood session and bring the girls home ice cream!!!